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Holiday Tots top 10 toddler travel items for summer 2014

Posted by Sachelle, 10th July 2014 at 10:19
Holiday Tots top 10 toddler travel items for summer 2014

There are so many gadgets and gizmos available to families holidaying with babies, toddlers and young children that it can get a bit confusing! So we have picked 10 of the best items we think are worthy of this year’s Holiday Tots Top 10 Summer Travel Items for 2014.

Neoprene Beach Boots by Konfidence: These little beach boots are a must have if you are going camping or on a beach holiday or even by the pool. They are handy for toddling over hot sand, pebbles, running on grass that you are not sure about its inhabitants and more. We love ours and you can see our review on our blog

Nursing cover by Bebe au Lait: This nursing cover by Bebe au Lait is stylish and perfect for using when you are out and about. We loved it in the south of France as not only did it give us a little privacy at feed time, it also gave our baby a little needed shade and quiet time – he could be really nosey!

Snoozeshade: there is nothing more frustrating than having a toddler that can’t nap because of the sun! Snoozeshade is perfect for those out and about sunny days, time for nap? No worries just pop them in the pushchair, close the shade and the little chap is in sleepy heaven. They are also UV protected too and airy!

Tot Seat: indispensable when you are travelling to lovely quaint village restaurants where pushchair room is limited and highchairs are not available. The Tot Seat can fit on almost any chair, is small and lightweight and comes in some fun designs and colours

Skip Hop Trolley: there are lots of toddler travel trolleys on the market, some they can ride on and some that are cute and small, we like the Skip Hop Toddler Trolley selection because they are fun, spacious and can turn into a handy backpack for adults when toddler has had enough of pulling!

Travel First Aid Kit: travelling with young children is fun but can be stressful when they fall and get grazes, stung or become a little poorly, having a small family travel first aid kit just makes life a little easier – of those little accidents. We have two options here but there are lots on the market:

Boots Pharmaceuticals St John Ambulance Travel First Aid Kit: great for suitcase or glove compartment in the car, it has lots of items like plasters, sting spray etc or for a more compact solution we love BabyAid, a cute case with the basics like plasters, and temperature strips but also brave little stickers!

And finally for fun on the go we love…

Carddies: fabulous simple idea, little card people to colour and play. There are lots of sets to choose from Football to Fairies and London to Farms – there is something for everyone! We take ours on every plane journey and the story develops every time…

Music: always love a singsong in the car and now we have Freddie’s music on the Ipad so he happily sits with his headphones on choosing his favourite tracks – although the singing out loud with headphones can sometimes be a bit off putting! Our favourite CD is Singable Songs for the Very Young by Rafi, its not new to the world of music but we found it about 4 years ago and its one of those children’s CD’s that doesn’t become annoying, we actually sing-along too!

Stickytape and sticker books: our journeys just would not be complete without sticker books and sticky tape, The best sticky tape is white masking tape, we draw on it, stick it on each other, the plane seats, paper, magazines and teddy. Easily removable and very entertaining!

Note book and pen: sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. We do have an Ipad for those situations when just nothing else will do, but quite often the favourite past time while dining out is the good old Note book and pen. We are on our fourth now and Freddie really loves his, as he is getting older the pictures and stories are changing and they are great to look back on. We also add our own bits too, just a normal biro is best – he feels like he is working and feels very special!

We hope you get some inspiration from our Top 10 Travel items for toddlers – if you have anything you would like to share feel free to contact us, we would love to hear from you!

Sachelle x


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